Being human Reflections on Life, Being Human, and Medicine Updates on my health

Skydiving Through Life – Or Burnout Chapter 2

When Sarah went skydiving it was different than what I imagined it would be like.  

I always imagined the free fall as – well – “free”.  Wouldn’t it be first the amazing feeling of falling – like the initial drop on a roller coaster. Then would come the part where it would be like superman flying around in the sky.  Next would be after the parachute opened. You would be floating gracefully through the air. You would be looking around from way up in the sky with the amazing feeling of peace and freedom.  

This is Sarah and the instructor on their way to earth!

She tells me it wasn’t like that at all.  Not at all.

The Go-Pro video recording showed the reality.  

In reality she stepped off a plane flying at speed (150 mph). The free fall was instead the sensation of getting blasted in the face with wind at 150 mph.  At that speed – she said it wasn’t really that easy to appreciate the beautiful view. The video shows her cheeks violently flapping around in the wind in a not very graceful way.

Sarah is being brave but on the video you can see the 150 mph wind whipping her cheeks!

And then the shock and pull of the parachute against her arms and legs pulled into her skin.  The pressure and bruising and associated pain made the parachute ride also less idyllic then what I imagined. The trip down was a balance between trying to look around and wondering how long it would be before she would be free of the pain of the harness.

So also, with my life. 

Everything in my life seems to move at 150 mph. 

More often than not I get blasted in my face with the forceful wind of life.  I try to look out at the trees and grass and sunsets. But most of the time I am just feeling my cheeks pushed back and pretending to enjoy them and wondering why I can’t.  My iPhone is a constant temptation and a constant pull into the wind. Just when the wind slows, one email or text speeds it up again. One comment can be a reminder that triggers worries or thoughts of things that I have not done or that need to be done. 

There are good things in my work. But once again, the beautiful sunsets or the glint of the sun on the leaves get only a cursory appreciation as I pound through on dozens of things grabbing at me. A success on one patient but yet a long note to write in Epic and several patient calls and the enormous number of unread emails.

Someone told me once about eating a hot sauce that was so hot it just numbed up his tongue. In the end he couldn’t feel it – and he couldn’t even taste it. My life feels that way. I feel numb and long for times when I felt more human. Could I really have time to indulge emotion. Could I even know what I feel – and then be free to express it. Artists and poets and song writers get to do this. Can’t I get to do this also please?

Last night (10/3/18) I had the gift of driving alone with a sunset outside my window. Recent events made me not care about anything else. It could all wait. Putting on music and turning it up loud enough so that I could feel it was like the greatest indulgence. 

And for a moment it was there again: emotions. Appreciating what it means to be truly human. Unlike the real skydiving – it was better. I was floating and able to look around and see everything. Not blasted by the wind. But able to feel a gentle breeze and see colors and feel pain and beauty at the same time.

This is chapter two of my discussion of burnout.[1]  I wrote this three days after I was told that I had a “large retroperitoneal mass” that was likely cancer. 

I had been feeling the blast of life in my face for years. It was only with the threat of my own mortality that I could get angry enough to defy it all. It is odd that it took anger to overcome the stress of the world, but I think that was what the emotion was. I was finally determined and strong enough to fight against the pressures that would keep me from enjoying life. Sometimes you have to get angry at the circumstances that are destroying you.

It is now more than two months later. 

I am still only functioning with training wheels on. I am continuing to learn. My cancer diagnosis and the associated treatments are training wheels. They are keeping me from falling back into living a more certain life that pretends to let you feel and see and smell and love but mostly just keeps you numb. I am more human today than I was two months ago. I am working hard via prayer and study and writing this blog to learn. 

All of my family, friends and coworkers are making it easy. Their kindness to me has been overwhelming. Thursday night a large group of them from the transplant and VAD programs showed up outside my front door. They sang Christmas carols to me! They were all bundled up in the cold. They held candles. Their voices were sweet! Their faces were some of the greatest beauty I have ever seen!

The most beautiful faces in the world are my dear friends who love me!

 I tried to not cry. Their sweet children in the front were so adorable it made it easier. They made my heart happy. I had to steady myself on my wife because the emotions were so intense – so good – so real. I was fully human standing there. Thank you for making it easy. I didn’t need my training wheels that night because of you.

My beloved Sarah. She is always there to steady me.

I promise that I will continue to learn. My last week of radiation is next week. I hope that as I recover from that I might regain some energy and stamina. I am warned that the fatigue can persist for a while. I am also warned that the chemotherapy doses will be ramped up after this and they can and will cause fatigue and nausea. I guess the Lord thinks I still need training wheels for a while longer.

But I must learn because I feel a deep obligation to teach it to you. I want to somehow teach you to truly:

  • Feel
  • Taste
  • Smell
  • See
  • Hear
  • And love.

[1]I promise a chapter 3 with more insights and answers will come in a few weeks. I have written it based on the feedback from many of you but I want to spend some more time in reflection and study before posting it. So please bear with me. More will be coming.

Being human Reflections on Life, Being Human, and Medicine

Lessons We Have Learned From Our Beagle

This is a Dickinson family post. I started writing this but was so happy to have all of us contribute to this together! 

Meet Malley.  She is a wonderful and loving beagle. She is by her desire and design a “lap-beagle.” My daughters have described her as being like “a stuffed animal that breathes!” She was named after our favorite chocolate and ice-cream store in Cleveland. She is, as you can see, somewhat chocolate colored. She is clearly a key member of our family. More than that she has taught us a lot of important lessons about life.

Here is the growing list of lessons.  We hope you enjoy it. Feel free to add your own suggestions back via the comments or reply tabs.

Life Lessons From Malley:

  • Whenever you can, just go sit beside the people you love.
  • Get really excited when people come home. It makes both of you feel so good.
  • Treats are really good. If you like something there is no shame in being very happy about it and letting it show. In fact, it makes the person who is giving you the treats feel happy just to see you get so happy.
  • It is really fun to go for a walk. Always say, “yes” to an offer for a walk.
  • Sometimes you just need to play. Don’t be afraid to pounce onto people in a playful manner to get them to stop being so serious and so that they will play with you.
  • If someone you love is sitting down it is always a good idea to go love on them.
  • It feels good to have someone scratch behind your ears. Insist that they do it. Or in human terms, insist on physical touch with your loved ones frequently and regularly. Hugs should be a vital part of your day. (Hugs are a big part of what it means to be a Dickinson.)
  • If you have free time take a nap.
  • If you see sunshine go lay down in it. It feels really wonderful.
  • Get excited about your dinner. That too makes people feel happy who are serving it to you.
  • Wag your tail if you are happy. Let your emotions show. Don’t hide them.
  • Growl if people are acting scary. They need to know that they are scaring you.
  • It is fun to climb on the sofa and put your head over the side and just look outside (in the classic Snoopy vulture position).
  • Take the time to just look outside. Don’t be afraid to just rest your head on the window sill and stair out at the beautiful outside.
  • Protect those you love. If you think they are threatened bark loudly to scare the bad people away from them.
  • Demand your loved one’s undivided attention. Push their computer or phone off their laps or out of their hands. They really shoud be paying attention to you instead.
  • If a friend comes over take them outside and play.
  • Don’t accept being ignored by your family. Even if you have to push your nose up against them, they are your family and they are supposed to be paying attention to you.
  • Chipmunks are infuriating. Don’t let yourself be tortured by what you can’t control. (Malley is still struggling to learn this one but I put it in because I wish she would learn it and have some more peace in her life!)
  • Sometimes it’s ok to be so distracted happily smelling the ground in front of you that you forget to bark at the deer in the distance. It’s ok to let the little beautiful things and joys around you distract you from the big adventures that are still far way.
  • A day on a sailboat with love ones is always a day well spent (even if dinner is delayed)!

The biggest lesson is to love your family with all of your being. Hug them. Wiggle in glee when you see them. Do not let them away from you. LOVE THEM!

We hope that you enjoyed this post. Would you think about your own furry friend(s)? If you have more to add to this list please leave a comment or reply. The comment box is below some more Malley pictures. Thanks!

Malley the Sailor Dog!
JJ thought she was going to work on her paper that was due. Malley thought otherwise!
Three of our favorite humans at one of our favorite places! This is Malley’s chocolate and ice cream store in WestLake Ohio.
Why good morning Malley!