Updates on my health

Thanksgiving Update!

This is intended as a quick update on my health and cancer…

  • I am through 10 out of 25 radiation treatments.
  • Dr. Julie Forstner and the staff at the Metro radiation oncology department are very kind and wonderful.
  • I am getting stronger but still very tired and have nausea starting about 5 hours after the radiation.
  • I have figured out that by taking both Zofran and Compazine (two different nausea medications) I can have pretty good control of the nausea.  It is an odd nausea – I can still eat – and in fact it feels better to eat something…
  • I am taking mitotane (the chemo for adrenal cancers) and am on two pills twice a day. That is supposed to also cause fatigue, nausea and brain fog. 
  • On Friday (no radiation on Thursday or Friday bc of Thanksgiving) I got a lot of my energy back. Good news – makes me think the problem is the radiation not the mitotane! This means that 3 more weeks and then I might gradually get back to myself!
  • Sarah thinks my symptoms are like being pregnant! (nausea, feeling queasy, tired, and brain fog) Did I mention that I was ok being sympathetic with others but didn’t feel it necessary to learn empathy? 🙂

By Mike

This is my blog. I started this blog to find a way to express myself and my views of the world. The views expressed here are purely my own.

4 replies on “Thanksgiving Update!”

Reading about this sends me really backward 22 years. I feel the nausea like it’s right there and the overwhelming fatigue.. I’m sorry. I will pray for strength, appetite, comfort, the ability to sleep and, of course, healing and encouragement.

My response is wanting you to be all well for many years.
My thinking response is I hope you tell us soon about those things you were going to tell us later: about being on a morphine IV dripwhich I think you did not like; leadership from Navy helpful now how? Sympathy versus empathy now? More on whether you knew fear as well as pain? Did time disappear in hospital. People are everything just about aren’t they? Good tidings and good resting.
Linda Chown

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